Friday, March 11, 2016

First Journal Entry (Journal entry one)

It is a really good weekend. I went to a mall with my family. After several hours walking, I feel tired and I find a chair to have a rest. Then I see a little boy is reading a book beside me. That book look so familiar to me. I talked to him and found he was reading “Good Night Moon”.I have a very strong impression for this book when my teacher Rick introduced it. Then I borrowed this book from this little boy and read it. Even though this book is for the younger reader but the illustrations and comment in this book attracted me. I couldn’t even move my eyes from this book. The scenes are so beautiful. Everything goes back to its original place. Furthermore, everything in this book has a life. It makes me feel so peaceful. When I scan the illustrations, I strongly feel that my heart is trying to close its “eyes” too. I really like this kind of book, it can help the people escape from the noise. I try to introduce it to my sister. At the beginning, she seems not interested in this book. But after read a few pages, she becomes quiet and love this book. She told me it’s really unbelievable that a picture book is so good. I have no idea what is about children literature before I learned this course and these books. But now I realized children literature is like an initiation for the children. It not only teaches the children a lot, but also it purifies the heart.

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