Friday, March 11, 2016

Journal entry two

It is really happy to share my idea with you. I am glad that I can show you my contury's picture book

I remembered when I was young. I saw a lot of pictures in China. At that time, the Chinese writers had a lot of good designs in their books. I really miss my childhood. So I decided to find if there are any children’s books still selling in China. I checked on the internet. Then I found a famous children’s book named “Calabash Brothers”. This books indicates a story between seven brothers which born from the calabash and a snake woman. The calabash brothers are the protagonists. They stand for justice. The seven brothers love each other and have very good teamwork. I really like them for several reasons.

 Firstly, they are so cute. They wear simple clothes but full of Chinese characteristics


Secondly, the writer gives them different talents, for example, the oldest one can control fire, the youngest one can control ice. The setting for the talents make the story more interesting. When I was a child, I really like that setting.

 Finally, the conflicts are really gripping. It makes children wonder what will happen next. The conflicts are significant guarantee that children will continuous reading this book. Therefore, this book was really attractive. Furthermore, I feel the brothers are very brave and intelligent. When I first saw this book, I imagine I can be one of them. The antagonist is the snake women. She is important in this book too. All the conflicts are start with her. The genre for this book is fantastic fiction. It creates a magic world. A lot of magic creatures in it and all the animals can talk. I have to say, the illustrations at that time is not good as now. But the writer made a lot of interesting roles and elements into this story.

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