Friday, April 15, 2016


I have finished all the class of children literature. I learned a lot from this course.

In my opinion, I never thought I will love with this course. It’s so amazing. No matter the books or videos that professor shows to us, they make me feel I back to my childhood.

At the beginning of this course, I found it was a little hard to learn, especially I came from a non English speaking country. Thus, after several weeks learning, I felt no course is hard, it all depends on your effort. I always made lots of mistakes in my writing, but I never gave up.
Gradually, I realized I feel so funny when I doing the writing. Even though I still make mistakes, but I really like my ideas and whimsies. I enjoyed all the moments I write awesome articles or sentences. I trust I can do better after doing lots of practice.

Every time I finish reading a book or seeing a movie 
of children, I feel so relax. Even though most of them are made for the children, but I like them so much. I remembered when I was a young boy, I really liked to see children’s book, but in my country, books were hard to get at that time and there was not too much library to borrow books. I wanted to read, thus, I didn’t have chance to do that. Now I have the chance to be a child again, I will grasp it.
I really thanks to my professor Ricky, even though he is very strict sometimes, but he teaches a lot to us and share lots of funny story and movies with us. He makes me understand I should study harder and I have the space to be better.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Childhood Memories

I remembered very clearly that when I was 6 years old. My grandfather died because of lung cancer. I was really hurt at that time. Even though I was very young at that time. But I still feel very sad. That is also the first time I meet my family died.
I didn’t have too much memory for my grandfather. He lived in a village. I can only to see him in the holidays, but every time I see him, he tried to give me all the things that he had. He was not very rich, but he willing to pay everything to make me happy.

Even though I didn’t spent lot of time with my grandfather but I love him so much. I feel so sad when I attended his funeral. He lay down in the coffin. He looked so quietly. All the relatives around me are crying. I was too young to understand why they were cry. I have no idea he has dead. I walk to the border of the coffin and shake my grandfather lightly. I whisper "grandfather" near his ears. But he still did not answer me. I was so confused at that time. So I asked my parents what happened. They try to explain to me but they can't.

After the funeral. His body was buried into the ground with the coffin. At that moment I begin to realize that my grandfather will not talk to me again and I will never see his smile again. My tears stream down to stay. I have a very complicated feeling that I can not understand at that young age. There is no way to express myself except crying.

 It has been too many years. I can still remember my grandfather's face and voice. Now I know what is feeling when I see him leaved me. That is the unwilling. I reluctant to let him leave my world. His love makes me feel I am the happiest child in the world. I always dream about my grandfather although he has died for 20 years.  In my dream he is still the kind-hearted old man with white hair. 

Journal 10

If I get a chance to write a children’s book. I’d like to write a super hero’s book. 

Firstly, the protagonist in my book will be a little boy which is born in a parent family. He never sees his father and he grows up in a slum. I think I will give him a name Joe which is same as me. The antagonists depend on different stories. I will create the final boss who is the protagonist’s father.
Secondly, most stories in my book will happen in China. The reason I choose China because China is a very mysterious country and it has a very long history. Furthermore, I really like the Chinese culture, I can add lots of Chinese characteristics into my book. The time the stories begin will be 2116. I decide to make the stories happen in the future because I want to add lots of future technology into my books.

Conflicts in my books will between Joe and bad guys. I prefer Joe born with super power and I will design a particular scene that he awaken his super power after beating a bad guy.
The mood in my book will be humor, but sometimes I want the readers to feel anxious. In addition, Joe will be a chatterbox who similar to Dead Pool. His characteristics will be very positive and optimistic.
I want to write this children’s book because I am in love with it. I really like the superhero’s story when I was a child. This book is not only about stories but also my superhero dream.

Journal 9

After I read the book “The Fault in Our Stars”. I understand the meaning of living. In the book, the protagonists suffer by terrible disease but they never lose hope to live. They always talk in a humor way which means they have a positive attitude to their life.

I know the feeling of a cancer patient. My grandma was 
diagnosed lung cancer in 2008. When I heard the news. I couldn’t believe that, I even think my parents are making a joke. When I saw the medical report. I collapsed, I sat in the chair of hospital for several hours. I felt I couldn’t move because all of my muscles were tremble. I asked the doctor if my grandma can be cured. He told me they must do an operation for her and this operation only have 30% chance to succeed. I was desperate that time, same to my parents and other family members, but there is only one person who never loss hope, it’s my grandma.

We waited outside the operating theatre for 4 hours. When my grandma came out, and we saw she was still alive, our tears exploded. It’s so amazing that she got the second chance to live.
After that she gave up all the bad habits, she began to learn how to have a healthy life. Even though her body was still weak but she never lost her faith. She believed that she can live. My grandma told me no matter in the operation or in the daily life, she never gave up. She was very positive and she always laughed to others. She usually said to me she will live until she saw her granddaughter. Every time I heard that I can’t control my tears.

Maybe when you get a cancer, you have lost the rights to live long, but it’s not means you lost the rights to have a short but wonderful life. I really admire the people who have hope and positive attitude. Just like my grandma, I will learn to face every difficulty in a positive way. Best wishes to my grandma and other cancer patients!

Journal 8

Today I want to introduce a Chinese children’s book. The book’s name is “The Adventure of ShuKe and BeiTa”.  I remember when I was young, I really like this book. This book has more than 20 years of history and now it’s still very popular in China.

This book indicates the story about two rats which name are ShuKe and BeiTa. ShuKe is a pilot and BeiTa is a tankman. They have a good friendship and they like to help others.

In this book, the author gives the two rats humanity, especially ShuKe, he even makes friends with a little boy name PiPi Lu. They travel around the world for one purpose: to find a place without cat.
When I first read this book, I really liked it. The illustrations are very cute. Even though the painting technology of that time is not good like now, but there are lots of interesting design in the illustrations. The two rats wear the clothes of pilot and tankman make them look very professional. 
It makes you believe that they are real pilots and tankman, but when you look carefully you will find they still have tails. They have a very wonderful adventure in the book. The author describes lots of funny story for them. For examples, they space travel to another planet, they make a touching union with their friends. These designs and scenes add a lot of fun to this book.

This book has its own TV series which are also very famous in China. You can also find the video of this book on You tube. This book is really worth reading.

Journal 7

I want to share a video.

I see a TV show on You tube which talks about the children in war zone. Then I remember the book “The shepherd’s granddaughter.” When I was a child, I never think about what’s a war. After I see this book, I understand the war. In my opinion, the war is a weapon. This weapon break lots of family, furthermore, it kills a lot of people. I can feel desperation of Amani. Her family members get caught by the settlers. Her house also destroyed by them. She lost too many things when she was just a little girl.

This kind of tragedy always happen in the war zone. I often see lots of news which indicates how many people die in a war. I can also see the picture of the dead bodies. It’s so sad for me to see these tragedies. I remember clearly that I see a picture, a little boy sits in a center of a ruins and his parents and other relatives’ dead body surround him. He cries so hard but nothing changes. All his family member died in a war. His house turns to a cemetery.

I can’t understand why people want to begin a war. Is it funny to conquer other countries and enslave other people? When the warmongers see that dead body and blood, do they feel guilty? I really sympathize with the children in war zone. They don’t have enough food. They don’t have warm clothes. The most pathetic is they lost their home and land. As a child who grew up in a peace zone, I should cherish my life. I should help the children in war zone. I will donate clothes and money to them. I wish they can have a better life in the future.

Journal 6

When I first read the book “Batman: Year One”, I really loved it. I liked all the protagonists in the book, especially Batman. Batman is my favorite superhero. He is the first superhero without supernatural power. In the beginning of the book, Batman is not a hero. He is an avenger. His purpose is very simple. He wants to find the murderer who killed his parents. After he got injured, he began to change. He found the vengeance doesn’t change anything. So he began to help others. He believed through his effort, he could change his city.

I have seen lots of books and movies about Batman. I summarize several reasons that I like him.
Firstly, he’s a master of tactics. He always has lots of ways to fight against his enemy. When he fights, his strategy can help him get the upper hand. This is why he always win the fight.

Secondly, I like his versatility. No matter what kind of battle, Batman can adapt. He uses different weapon and equipment to adapt to different fights. He always has the best choice.

Thirdly, his has a good friend James Gordon. Batman is a vigilante. Even though Gordon is a detective, but he is more like a friend of Batman. Gordon helps Batman to fight against criminals. They trust each other and they have a same target: save Gotham

Lastly, he notes everything. He always records the fight or features of his enemy. He uses his notes to help him analyse his enemy. He can find their weakness through analyse his note. Also, his note can help him to make a good preparation for next battle.