Thursday, April 14, 2016

Bookstore narrative

That day was a cold day. I woke up and had a cup of coffee. Suddenly, I remembered I had to go to a bookstore, since I had an assignment to do. Even though it was snowing outside, I decided to go to the bookstore.

When I walked into the book store. The smell of books and the quiet atmosphere made me feel I was in a sea of books. This place brought me back to those old memories with my parents. I looked through the Kids section and it was really well organized. There were a lot of kids and babies wandering around with their parents and they seemed really happy. There were a lot of toys and dolls that used as decoration and I can tell why kids get attracted a place like this.
Because I am not the type of person who reads a lot of books. I don’t usually go to bookstores like Chapters or Indigo. As soon as I walked into Chapters I was amazed. The store was so big. Surprisingly, I found a Starbucks in the store. I realized this would be an awesome place to hang out with friends. I walked around for a bit looking for the Kids section. Finally, I found the kids section, which reminded me of my childhood. Before getting into the books, let’s talk about how the place was set up first. The moment I walked into the Kids section, it seemed really energetic.

Now let’s get into the categories that are in this section. There are many categories but the ones that interest me are the parental activity sections, and the teacher educational section. For a young child, learning is really important. These two sections offer many types of educational books. There are language problems, math problems, puzzles, problem solving, and many more. There are also lots of specific categories for different age groups. Depending on different ages, books are different, which seems really convenient if you are buying a book for your child. There are also sections for books on sale or old books that are at discounts. These kind of books are called bargain books. I also took a look at the top selling books currently for different age groups and I noticed few book titles that even seem familiar to me. I was surprised some of these old series are still there because my uncle showed me some he had read when he was a child.

I also noticed some of the top selling books are fantasies. It makes sense because children love to fantasize. I remembered those times of when I was dreaming to be a super hero. I checked the price for some of the books. I would say they are at a reasonable price. I must say that the books now looked so much better than the ones I had when I was a kid. There are more colours and illustrations on every single book. Enough about books let’s talk about what else can be in a book store. People probably think what else can be found in a book store other than books. I thought that too, but I never expected to see so many toys inside the Kids sections. Aside from buying books for your children, you can also buy them toys! There are lots of toys to choose from ranging from gender and age. There are dolls, trucks, blocks, Lego, and many more.

Like the book section, the toy section is also decorated very nicely. Unfortunately, I was not able to talk to the manager, but I did get a chance to talk to some of the staffs. The staffs were really friendly people. They also care a lot about their customer’s experience inside the store. Some of the mothers accidently drop their bottles for their child, and staffs immediately picked it up for them. Aside from toys, there was also a mini section for backpacks and water bottles. The backpacks are so cute and tiny. I should probably buy one for my young relatives. Overall my experience in the bookstore was great! I even got a chance to check out some new books and some of them seemed pretty interesting. The environment is nice. The prices are pretty good, and of course I can’t forget that there’s a Starbucks

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