Thursday, April 14, 2016

Journal 7

I want to share a video.

I see a TV show on You tube which talks about the children in war zone. Then I remember the book “The shepherd’s granddaughter.” When I was a child, I never think about what’s a war. After I see this book, I understand the war. In my opinion, the war is a weapon. This weapon break lots of family, furthermore, it kills a lot of people. I can feel desperation of Amani. Her family members get caught by the settlers. Her house also destroyed by them. She lost too many things when she was just a little girl.

This kind of tragedy always happen in the war zone. I often see lots of news which indicates how many people die in a war. I can also see the picture of the dead bodies. It’s so sad for me to see these tragedies. I remember clearly that I see a picture, a little boy sits in a center of a ruins and his parents and other relatives’ dead body surround him. He cries so hard but nothing changes. All his family member died in a war. His house turns to a cemetery.

I can’t understand why people want to begin a war. Is it funny to conquer other countries and enslave other people? When the warmongers see that dead body and blood, do they feel guilty? I really sympathize with the children in war zone. They don’t have enough food. They don’t have warm clothes. The most pathetic is they lost their home and land. As a child who grew up in a peace zone, I should cherish my life. I should help the children in war zone. I will donate clothes and money to them. I wish they can have a better life in the future.

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