Thursday, April 14, 2016

Journal 10

If I get a chance to write a children’s book. I’d like to write a super hero’s book. 

Firstly, the protagonist in my book will be a little boy which is born in a parent family. He never sees his father and he grows up in a slum. I think I will give him a name Joe which is same as me. The antagonists depend on different stories. I will create the final boss who is the protagonist’s father.
Secondly, most stories in my book will happen in China. The reason I choose China because China is a very mysterious country and it has a very long history. Furthermore, I really like the Chinese culture, I can add lots of Chinese characteristics into my book. The time the stories begin will be 2116. I decide to make the stories happen in the future because I want to add lots of future technology into my books.

Conflicts in my books will between Joe and bad guys. I prefer Joe born with super power and I will design a particular scene that he awaken his super power after beating a bad guy.
The mood in my book will be humor, but sometimes I want the readers to feel anxious. In addition, Joe will be a chatterbox who similar to Dead Pool. His characteristics will be very positive and optimistic.
I want to write this children’s book because I am in love with it. I really like the superhero’s story when I was a child. This book is not only about stories but also my superhero dream.

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