Thursday, April 14, 2016

Journal 9

After I read the book “The Fault in Our Stars”. I understand the meaning of living. In the book, the protagonists suffer by terrible disease but they never lose hope to live. They always talk in a humor way which means they have a positive attitude to their life.

I know the feeling of a cancer patient. My grandma was 
diagnosed lung cancer in 2008. When I heard the news. I couldn’t believe that, I even think my parents are making a joke. When I saw the medical report. I collapsed, I sat in the chair of hospital for several hours. I felt I couldn’t move because all of my muscles were tremble. I asked the doctor if my grandma can be cured. He told me they must do an operation for her and this operation only have 30% chance to succeed. I was desperate that time, same to my parents and other family members, but there is only one person who never loss hope, it’s my grandma.

We waited outside the operating theatre for 4 hours. When my grandma came out, and we saw she was still alive, our tears exploded. It’s so amazing that she got the second chance to live.
After that she gave up all the bad habits, she began to learn how to have a healthy life. Even though her body was still weak but she never lost her faith. She believed that she can live. My grandma told me no matter in the operation or in the daily life, she never gave up. She was very positive and she always laughed to others. She usually said to me she will live until she saw her granddaughter. Every time I heard that I can’t control my tears.

Maybe when you get a cancer, you have lost the rights to live long, but it’s not means you lost the rights to have a short but wonderful life. I really admire the people who have hope and positive attitude. Just like my grandma, I will learn to face every difficulty in a positive way. Best wishes to my grandma and other cancer patients!

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