Thursday, April 14, 2016

Creative adaptation

This article is my favourite in my blog. I hope everyone enjoy my adaption.


The book I choose is “Batman: Year One”

I wrote an extension for the current ending.

December 21

One night, I am patrolling alone and find a dead body in the East area. The body has scratches all over it. I light a cigarette and checks the wounds. Suddenly I remember, “Cat woman”. While inspecting the crime scene, I hear a voice, “Hey detective, did you find any clues yet?”. I shake my head. “Check the body and if you find anything, let me know. You know where to find me.” He disappears into the shadows.

I call headquarters and asks the medical examiner to come to the crime scene. The medical examiner arrives.
“My name is Nick, Detective Gordon. I found hair on the body which seems to be non-human. I need to do an examination on the body first. Once I receive the results, I will let you know”.
“Okay, I really appreciate your help”.
After Nick leaves, I check the scene several times, but I find nothing there and there are no witnesses.  After several hours, I am still in my office investigating the background of the victim but the victim does seem to not have a criminal record. He is not a criminal, just an ordinary person.
 “Why would someone kill a person like this? What does he or she want?”. Feeling tired, I light a cigarette. Suddenly my phone rings.
“Detective, this is Nick, I have completed the examination. The hair belongs to some kind of cat”. I am excited to hear that and I decide to inform Batman.

December 22

When I go to the parking lot I hear someone whispering behind me. Then I feel someone knock on my head and I passed out.
When I wake up I found I am in a warehouse.
“Where am I?”
“Hello, detective. This is our first meeting and it will also be our last, ha ha ha”. A man with the face of a joker is speaking. “I led you to believe that the murderer was Cat woman. But actually, it was me. The reason I’m telling you the truth is because I have strapped a bomb to you. After ten minutes, you will be blown into pieces. Dead people don’t speak. Here is a phone, I can help you to call your family, but don’t forget to tell them about your death. Enjoy your last sweet family time. By the way, I also placed a lot of bombs in this warehouse. I know someone will try to save you, but he will die as well.”
“Today might be my last day but it’s not Batman’s. He is the hope of Gotham. As long as he is alive, he will find you, Joker.”
“No matter what you say, I will find Batman and kill him. Enjoy your last breath.”
Suddenly a black shadow breaks through the window. Joker quickly stands up and begins to fight with Batman. As he fights, he realizes that he is no match for Batman and decides to escape. “Batman! everything is going to be over” Joker yells angrily and rushes to the door. Just before he escapes, Joker presses a button and all the doors shut.
“Are you ok, Gordon?” Batman asks with concern.
“I’m ok, but there is a bomb attached to me and the warehouse is full of bombs. You should go now, leave me, Gotham needs you”.
Batman doesn’t respond. He takes out an electronic device and begins to defuse the bomb. Three minutes have gone by and Batman is still defusing.
I feel desperate and yell to him. “Leave me, I can’t let you die! You are the last hope for this city”.
At that crucial moment, he successfully defuses the bombs and a black car abruptly breaks through the door of the warehouse.
“Thank God we’re still alive”. I pull out a cigarette and starts smoking. 
Gordon, you must live. I can’t let any innocent people die because of me. You are a good man. You stand for justice. You are the final hope for the citizens. I need your help, detective”.

After saying these words, he drives me home. Although it is still dark outside, I can see a light in the dark.

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