Thursday, April 14, 2016

Journal entry five

The Lost Thing” is really an amazing book. I like the author of this book so much. He is
intelligent and full of imagination. This book tells a simple story of a boy who discovers a

bizarre lost creature at the beach and sets out to find somewhere it can belong, but after I see this book several times, I change my mind. The illustrations are a little complicated. This book reveals a dark, mechanical world, but the characters do normal and very dorky things that make it funny. 

The protagonist tries to help Lost thing back to home, but Lost thing seems like to stay and play with him. When the boy takes the Lost thing back to his house, his parents’ attitude is so wired. They seem not care for the Lost thing’s appearance but they care if the strange creature has contagion. There are lots of contradictions in this book, but just because of these contradictions, this story becomes mysterious and peculiar. This Lost thing seems like a kind of people in our life, these people are unsocial, they lost the way of their life. They hope to stay with the normal people but it’s really hard for them. Due to social apathy, more and more “Lost thing” appear. People gradually accustomed these Lost things. No one care them, the person like the little boy in this book is unusual. I feel very sad to see this happen. 

Now I understand why the writer always say his books are picture books not the children’ books. His books contain too many social problems that children can’t understand. Even though I don’t like the dark reality, but sometimes our society need these realities to tell them what they do wrong.

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